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A Creepy Face at Wimahl Psychiatric Institute

A Creepy Face at Wimahl Psychiatric Institute

We recently discovered what appears to be the creepy and uncolored face of a woman in the window of an official photograph of the Wimahl Psychiatric Institute. The Institute is home to some of the more unusual mental health cases in Cascadia and has its own disturbing history. Stories of patient experimentation from its early founding…
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This bunker is said to be filled with everything needed to sustain a group of hundreds for an apocalypse lasting 7-9 years

Charismatic Religious Figure Ryan Seacrest Takes Followers Underground

Deep in the Union of American States’ heartland of Western Carolina, religious leader Ryan Seacrest has announced that he is moving underground along with his followers. Seacrest’s congregation, known as The Receivers, is regarded with indifference by the Union populace. Their exact beliefs are unknown to outsiders, but what little has leaked suggests a very…
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Alien as described by Daltan Eagle Cry

Are They Among Us?

Ask Daltan Eagle Cry if he believes in visitors from another planet and he’ll tell you he not only believes in them but that he’s met them. Daltan’s story goes beyond the standard late-night, darkened highway, beyond abductions, beyond anal probes. Daltan believes that there are, in fact, three different types of aliens living among us right now,…
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