Parallels is a five-season, forty-episode streaming series in development set in the present-day of the Empire Universe. It follows Sarah Taylor, Empress Eleanor d’Australia, Toshe Marinos, and others as they navigate what many believe are the end times for the superpowerful Empire of Australia.
But, secretly, The Man in the Top Hat gathers strength looking for something. To what end is not yet clear. He leaves a collection of dead bodies in his wake and all over town people can’t seem to stop singing the songs he puts in their heads.
Meanwhile, prognosticators have been foretelling the end of the great Empire of Australia—the world’s only superpower. The wolves of Russia and Norway are at the gate, ready to feast upon its corpse, but Eleanor d’Australia, the heir to 32 powerful Empresses before her, is working hard to stave off what some believe is her inevitable doom.
Parallels is a sprawling, tent-pole, science-fiction drama engineered to be a viral hit. It interweaves an eclectic musical playlist into the lives of the characters and casts musicians in leading roles to produce a web of interconnected fan bases built into the work. As much a celebration of music as it is a sci-fi romp, Parallels’ use of musical talent and music as a storytelling device makes it unique in the crowded pantheon of streaming series fare. The series features music by superstars like Katy Perry and Taylor Swift to more niche artists with devoted followings like Tom Waits, Randy Newman and The Faint. Roles for musicians range in size and complexity from cameos to star turns as plot-driving characters.