The Rabbit

Welcome to the Empire Universe

The Rabbit is also known as the Black or Empire Rabbit, the Deceiver or sometimes simply as The Trouble.

Very little is known about the coney, and many consider him merely a legend.

But many tales do exist that speak of his ability to enchant those around him with his siren song. He is said to have the power of disguise. Other yarns tell of his ability to perform great feats of evil doing.

One legend claims he was responsible for the destruction of the great city of Minoa more than five-thousand years ago. Another that he was responsible for the Lisbon Earthquake. Still others that he has been responsible for dozens of wars and conflicts over the centuries including the Russian Civil War, the Roman Catastrophe, and the Mongolian Golden Horde.

The Fall of Minoa in Legend was caused by the Black Rabbit
Legend claims that the Rabbit stood on the beach and watched unharmed as a giant wave engulfed the ancient kingdom of Minoa in the third millennia BCE.

Many stories claim he was instrumental in the creation of the Empire of Australia in 1151—making a secret pact with Eleanor of Aquitaine to create an Empire that would last forever. This is why the creature is often associated with the Empire of Australia and is often referred to as The Empire Rabbit.

One story even claims that the Rabbit is responsible for bringing civilization to humanity and is responsible for their discovery of agriculture—all so he could have a beer.

Cave Painting of The Empire Rabbit
A cave painting found in Southern France that some claim depicts The Black Rabbit with an enormous erection.

The Rabbit appears in many artistic works around the world and throughout time.

Kandinsky’s “The Black Rabbit” highlights his shapeshifting nature.
Eleanor the Ninth with her pet rabbit Fifel.
Eleanor the Ninth with her pet Fifel. The Rabbit is often associated with members of the Aotearoan royal family.
The Rabbit by Pablo Picasso

The subject of renewed interest with the advent of the interweb, The Rabbit was the subject of a book called Fear of a Black Rabbit by Jacob DeAngelo and Paul Marie. The pair even went so far as to lead an expedition into the jungle of the Kongo looking for evidence of famed creature. Only DeAngelo returned from the trip alive and only one photograph survived.

The only surviving photograph from the expedition of Paul Marie and Jacob DeAngelo into the jungle of the Kingdom of the Kongo shows a large, abandoned temple in ruin. The ruin is connected with no known civilization. DeAngelo was later institutionalised in the Wimahl Psychiatric Hospital as a result of the ruinous trip.